What We Do
We Facilitate Bold, New Enterprises with Visionary Thinking and Pioneering Methods.
Business ventures, environmental infrastructure initiatives, community development projects: any substantial undertaking that requires innovative direction and funding, Viability Lab has the experience and expertise to bring it to life.
Project Orchestration
When a project's Point B seems a million miles away, it's time for Viability Lab.
Whether you're merely in the planning stage or underway, Viability Lab will apply its decades of experience to manage your project, no matter how complex, while boosting efficiencies and suggesting innovations along the way.
Cacophony to symphony: in short, that's a Viability-Lab-managed project.
Funding Wizardry
With Viability Lab, securing money for a project becomes much more than a means to an end. Our approach is truly groundbreaking. We've developed a unique expertise in sequencing interdependent yet diverse funding sources for maximum impact.
In a way, our innovative funding structures become a broad brush (that oftentimes paints outside the lines) to create opportunities and outcomes beyond the project's original scope.
See our Viability Energy initiative to learn how we don't just use money, we brainstorm with it.
Connecting Lots of Dots
Over decades of working with countless business leaders, governmental agencies, elected officials, and plain ol' amazing citizens around the globe, Viability Lab has honed its genius for making the right connections to make remarkable projects happen.
It's rare to find an organization with Viability Lab's combination of cachet, discipline and creativity in choreographing the dance of disparate partners needed to pull off world-changing project performances.
Open Collaboration
Ultimately, it's your project after all. For all its masterful methodologies, Viability Lab works closely and openly with its clients, relishing input and tailoring approaches to reach and exceed the results that you seek.
We look forward to working with you (emphasis on with). Contact us today.
Delivering Real Impact
To be blunt, if your project won't change the world—even in some small, local way—it's a respectful "no" from Viability Lab right from the outset.
At our core, Viability Lab creatively leverages economic development dollars and programs to organize, engage, and mobilize public and private sector entities to, ultimately, make the planet a better place.
No wonder we've earned the respect of clients from around the world, not to mention an official recognition from the United Nations.